Monday, October 29, 2012

Just a few things...

As I have said many a times, I am incredibly blessed. I am taking time to appreciate it really and truly this year, a personal goal of mine. That may sound cheesy and this list may very well be just as much, but I enjoyed doing it and it always helps me to write things down and reflect. So here it is: a few things I really love!

I really love books. Julia and I both do. It's almost a problem at times. We are constantly hearing of recommendations, reading a book, then giving it to the other to read. In other words, we never ever catch up on our "to read" list. And don't even get me started on Half Price Books...There could be worse things, right? One of my new favorites: "The Book Thief." Please go out and read it if you have not. It is amazing! 

New Friends...
A part of living in a big city means that I am constantly meeting new people. I have gotten to be pretty good at it, so I think. I still have my moments where I'll point and make a weird sound and look back in horror. Ugh. Why am I socially awkward sometimes?
Even so, it has been fun to make new relationships and to really become better at getting out of my comfy little box.

The new Mumford & Sons album came out not too long ago and I have been listening to it non stop. I'm a bit obsessed. Their music is just perfect for any mood! Personal favorite song? "I Will Wait." You need to blast it. Also, my cousin just introduced me to The Civil Wars and I've really liked their stuff too. I pretty much like any music though, so don't take me for an expert music critic. If it sounds good, I likey! 

My Grandma...
I am quite close with my Grandma. I talk to her every other week or so and whenever we talk, I end up laughing till there are tears in my eyes! She is so blunt and hilarious, but she is also such an encouragement to me. She has been a huge part of my life and constantly reminds me that she is praying for me and that God has an awesome plan for me. She also reminds me that in her prayers she is praying very hard for God to bring me a man. I should introduce her to my students.

My roomie...
Julia. She is my roommate and (nearly) lifelong friend, whom I have written about many times. I cannot tell you how much I love her. Moving out here would have been 5 million times harder without her here to vent to, lesson plan with, and figure out how in the world to navigate around the city. Plus we laugh all the time. We have become far too alike and have waaaay too many inside jokes. I love it! She is getting married next summer and while I am INCREDIBLY excited for her and Peter (her fiance), I can't help but be just a teeny bit sad. Living with her has been amazing and selfishly, I don't want to give her up. But we have months of memories still to make and I am very excited for that!

So, after writing this list, I feel pretty warm and fuzzy on the inside! Feel free to remind me with a gentle slap if I ever get ridiculous and start to complain about anything.

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