Monday, November 5, 2012


I'm becoming terrible at keeping up on this blog. I apologize. Life, as it always seems to have the tendency to, has become rather busy during this joyous holiday time. Plus I rather enjoy having a lazy Saturday when I can, totally shutting my mind off from all that may distract it from simply existing as an oozy pile of muscle.

School has been simply plowing forward and my students continue to blow me away! I wish I could have you all in my classroom for a day so you could simply marvel with me at the wonderfulness that is them!

I also continue to enjoy the joy that is hanging out with 7 and 8 year old kids and their most delightful selves! My goodness, these kids are hilarious and awesome. Today, one of our spelling words was chicken. At the end of teaching the kids how to spell the word and putting it on the board, I always ask for someone to give me a sentence. A student did, then they raised their hand and said, "Miss Ongna, could we do the chicken dance, since it was a spelling word and all?"

My answer to that question? "Of course! Why would we not?!" So, we all got up and did the chicken dance, at 9 am on a Monday morning.

Who wouldn't want to? I love that my kids are quirky, energetic, creative, and a bit weird! When they tell me that I am weird I reply with a "thank you so much!" I would hate to think that a child wouldn't be comfortable being anything but themselves in my classroom. Just read the bulletin board outside of my classroom. We have been studying dinosaurs and fossils in reading, so I had my students write a newspaper article about a dinosaur attack. SO creative and hilarious! They all took their ideas and ran with it. Love it so much.

If you can't tell, I am really enjoying my school year. You may think I exaggerate or am simply embellishing because I am writing it on a blog, but please take my word for it: it is completely and utterly true. I don't know how I was so blessed to be able to come teach these kids, but I am so, so grateful for it!

Of course, what would be a post about the joy that are my delightful students without a few quotes? These kids rock.

"You sneeze weird. And you laugh weird. And you're weird! Were you like this as a child?"

Student: "Squish! That's an onamonamona!"
Me: "A what now? Oh, you mean an onomatopoeia?"
Student: "Yeah, that's what I said."

"I'm really in a good mood today. I think it's because I ate ice cream last night!"

"Mmmm I just want to eat you up!"

Doesn't get any better than this!


  1. Awesome! We are just starting our dinosaur unit this week!!!! They love it!

  2. You rock my socks. Come to my school.
