Saturday, January 14, 2012

Getting to Know You

Teaching is a profession that is very unique. As a 2nd grade teacher, I am spending the majority of my time these days hanging out with 7 and 8 year old's. I'm part of conversations that include talk about the latest fairy book, the made up game played at recess, and what new toy someone got for their pet hamster. Needless to say, I have gotten to know these kids very well, which has been such a joy. I even scared them the other day, when one of the students raised their hand and before they could even ask the question I said that no, we wouldn't be doing a grammar worksheet today. She put her hand down and said, "Woah! Miss Ongna, you just read my mind!" Its just one of the many talents teachers posses, what can I say?

While I have gotten to know these kids very well, I forget that during this time, they have gotten to know me well too! When we went to the museum on a field trip, a few of them yelled out to me, "Miss Ongna, don't look over this bridge! Its very high and we know you don't like heights!"They will also ask me about Wisconsin, tease me about the packers, and draw me pictures with my favorite color. I have also told them things about my family, which they ask about often. One of the most touching moments happened just this past week.

During our morning devotions, we share prayer requests. My grandma has been having some serious health problems over the past few months, and this past week she had surgery. I had been sharing this prayer request with my students, and they would ask about her or ask for prayers for her before I would even mention it, which was so wonderful and heartwarming. Well, last night I got an email from a parent telling me that their child had prayed for my grandma in their bedtime prayers. Wow. I couldn't help but tear up. How humbling and amazing it is to have one of my students earnestly praying for my grandma, someone they have never met. God is so good and these students are an unbelievable blessing to me.

To me, this is what teaching is all about. Making relationships with these students, being a big part of their lives for a year, in which I get to teach and learn with them. I have been blessed with the opportunity to be a part of these children's lives, and for that I am thankful. They teach me so much and I am grateful for each and every single one of my students.


  1. I particularly liked when they clapped upon you sharing how a family member was cancer free. As long as you are teaching at RTCS, these students will stay connected to you until they graduate. P.S. I love the picture.

  2. Can you come teach me? I'd like to be in your class!

    Nicola...I love your outlook on life and your reason for doing the things that you do. I look up to you for all of this stuff. Keep on doing an amazing job.
