Friday, October 28, 2011

Teaching the Teacher

I figure its about time I dedicate a post to just teaching. I feel as though as much as I have taught my students, I have been taught just as much, if not more in the past few months! So, for all you teacher types out there, here is a list assessing my progress so far. Assessment--its a beautiful thing!

I like to title this list: The new and exciting things I have learned being a first year teacher. Creative, I know.
  1. You can plan, plan, and plan. Then you can plan some more and then when you're done with that, you can plan a little more. In any spare time? Work on some planning. Every once and a while throw in some grading. Julia and I have also managed to squeeze in some time for shopping. Teacher clothes, of course! It's a necessity. But seriously, planning never stops.
  2. Ironically enough, as much as you plan, you can never really be completely prepared. It is almost guaranteed that every week you will have a wrench or a massive tree trunk thrown into your plans. Last week? No P.E. or art teacher. It really makes you think on your feet and keeps the day exciting. It is also a smidge stressful, but I try to stay positive :) 
  3. Kids are hilarious. And wonderful. And so full of love. I knew this coming into teaching, but it is so different when you are THE teacher. I have gotten to know my kids so well, and it is amazing to know them so well and to have them know me well too. Hearing my kiddos say they love me will never get old.
  4. The support of other teachers is a necessity! I don't know what I would do without the other teachers around me. Every Wednesday, we have prayer time with the elementary teachers. It is an amazing time to lift up our concerns in prayer and to support each other. 
I have been plugging away on lots of lessons, including a pretty rigorous phonics program. This means my mornings are filled to the brim with spelling, phonics, grammar, and math. The afternoons are a bit more loose and relaxed, with reading, Bible, and science. Science has been a personal favorite of mine to teach. I LOVE hands on activities and lots of visuals. You can tell when you walk into my classroom. Not too long ago we finished up a unit on a study of animals. It was such a fun unit to teach!

Each cupboard door is a different animal.  

We studied 6 different groups of animals: mammals, birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, and insects. I have some awesome cupboard space in my room, so I try to utilize every inch I have. I put up the group name, then when we studied that particular group, I made labels shaped like an animal in that group. The students then labeled it with the characteristics. They loved it! They more or less couldn't wait to see what animal I created next. My students know my artistic ability is pretty much non-existent.We also did some fun activities with each animal group, including the tinfoil animals I talked about earlier.

I also had another first today. I pulled out a student's tooth. The surprises and unexpected keep coming! We also had a school wide talent show, which was awesome! It is an awesome thing to watch these kids perform and show off their various talents. I had 3 students perform from my class. I was so proud of them! I may have teared up. Shocking, I know. I can't help it. I am such a sap.

Life is crazy busy for now, with lots of exciting things happening before Thanksgiving. Report cards and conferences are also before then, so there is much to do before a break. The great thing is, once that is all finished, Julia and I are flying home for Thanksgiving! Family, friends, turkey, Wisconsin, and everything else wonderful, warm, and fuzzy. I can't wait! Until then, life keeps chugging on, including school. And I couldn't be more thankful for all the amazing things in my life. So very thankful! :)

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