My dear friends, family, or random reader,
I am writing to tell you this is my very last post! Not that this warrants streamers or a cake or tears, but it is a decision I have come to. It has to do with something that is weighing on my heart.
I've seen lots of posts or links on facebook lately about "living in the moment" or "not instagraming your life'. They talked a lot about not comparing your life to others. I am terribly guilty of this. Then tonight I read about my friends who are doing a media fast, taking a break from all media, including Facebook, TV, and texting. It convicted me to take up a media fast of my own! I don't want to become a person who is completely obsessed and overtaken by social media.
I got rid of my smartphone for this reason. I was starting to become one of those people that bug me. The people that are always one the phone when they are with their friends, constantly checking this or that, letting everyone know everything that is going on in their life, not being "in the moment".
Blogging has burdened me in a similar way. I have thoroughly enjoyed it and have loved keeping family and friends updated on my post college life, especially since I live so far from so many of these loved ones. But lately it has become a source of stress for myself. I read other friend's blogs and feel cruddy because I don't write as well as them, or because my life is not as exciting as them, or because not as many people care or read it. I realize these are all silly and vain things, but these are the feelings I have developed and they need to stop. They are causing me to sin and I need to get rid of those weeds! God has laid this heavily on my heart.
This is not a condemnation on those who are using social media or who have blogs or anything along those lines! Many use them in the most positive ways. This is my own person experience and feelings and thus have led me to my decision. ( serious sounding, sorry!)
So to all of you who have read and have encouraged, cared, and loved me through this blog, I SO appreciate it! Your prayers are still coveted as I figure out this crazy life that God has set before me.
I will miss reading about your experiences.