Monday, September 3, 2012

Dutch Dancing, Pumpkins, and Soup.

The first few days of school have come and gone! They were amazing. My new batch of second graders are sweet, incredibly well behaved children. The first day of school I had them sit down when the bell had rang and they simply did it, sat silently, and smiled at me.

My jaw nearly dropped.

I was waiting for the excited chaos, telling them repeatedly to raise their hand, or having to settle them all down a few times.

Nope. Nothing. They were just sitting there, ready for me to fill their brains with new, second grade information!

So I have definitely took and will be taking advantage of that throughout this year. They are so eager to learn and I am so excited to, like I said before, amp up my lessons and improve my teaching! This week I have a few really cool lessons coming up. They involve dutch dancing, pumpkins, and soup. I am so pumped! I'll let you know how they go...

In other news, I had an awesome weekend with lots of time with friends. Julia and I talked a lot this past weekend about how crazy it is to look back at what we were doing a year ago this weekend. Hint: it involved a lot of "How are we going to do this?!" and "Over which hill are you talking about??" It is amazing how much this place has turned into home!

Friday night, Ryan, Julia, and I went out, seeing as we hadn't with just the three of us in quite some time. We literally laughed until we cried about 5 different times. We have become incredibly close this past year. If you knew the 3 of us in grade school and high school, you would have never guessed this possible. I love how God brought the 3 of us here together. Now we are all starting out our 2nd years and doing pretty darn well if I do say so myself!

So excited to see what God does in this next school year!

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