Saturday, April 14, 2012

Table for 1

"Nice to meet you! Are you married?"

"My mom was married by the time she was your age...just saying."

"Why do you not want to get married?"

Yes, these are actual quotes said to me at various points in life. Lovely huh? I've come to appreciate the hilarity and awkwardness that comes along with such marriage related comments.

Why the comments? Well, I am a single, 22 year old girl. Not really a rarity in this world. However, in the culture of young, Dutch, Christian, I guess I may be seen as such.

Now I am not writing this to bash those who have gotten married or engaged. I attended Dordt College, a place where engagements and wedding were frequent. I love being able to see my friends meet their spouses, get married, and even starting families! I am so happy for all of them. Marriage is a beautiful and wonderful thing, created by God. I look forward to that time in my life, if it is God's will for me.

At this moment though, I am a happy single Dutch girl living in Pittsburgh. I am VERY much ok with that! I've had people give me sad looks when they ask about my marital status and I inform them of the lack of a husband. I've even had someone say, "Don't worry, I'm sure someone will come along soon."

Who is worried?

Not this girl. I have learned a lot being on my own, whether it be figuring out insurance and loan stuff or how to talk to car places and have them take a young girl seriously. I've also learned how to navigate around this crazy city (yikes!) and traveled by plane by myself for the first time. Yeah!

I love having the freedom to come out to this new city and just have time to figure out my life, what I want to do with it, and who I want to be. This is now starting to sound like a cliche "I am woman!" speech. Not what I am intending. I just think its important to be able to appreciate being single. I don't know what God's plan for my life is, nor do I want to know.

I am simply enjoying the here and now, as my single self! :)

1 comment:

  1. Nicole you know I love this post! It's not about being married, being single, or dating, or anything in between. It's about being where and what God wants you to be, finding the beauty in what that means, and going onward with doing stuff to make His kingdom better. You are so good at putting these thoughts down, I'm jealous!

    And when you ask "Who is worried?" I think the answer is that it is the person who is telling you not to worry. I think a lot of people struggle with being insecure and assume that everyone else is insecure too. You are a secure and confident person and some people get intimidated by that fact. I for one am thankful for that fact and hope it rubs off on me more :) Thanks for an awesome post!
