Saturday, December 3, 2011

That good old feeling

You know that feeling you get when you are recovering from laughing super hard? That totally satisfying feeling of complete happiness and contentment? I love that feeling. And that is exactly how I would describe my Thanksgiving weekend.

Now I know Thanksgiving was already a week ago, but I was crazy busy/recovering from the crazy weekend, traveling back, and jumping back into teaching. So just pretend this post was written and posted right after Thanksgiving.

Going back to Wisconsin always gets me feeling warm and fuzzy, because it will always be home for me. Not to mention, I finally get to eat some good quality cheese! Yum. Most of my family and extended family live there, so I got to soak up some great quality time with them. What I especially love and enjoy is craft time on Thanksgiving with the Ongna's. Every year, my incredibly creative aunts come up with a craft to make for the holidays. I try to soak up as much of their creative juices and expertise as I can, and try to make mine turn out. Either way, it is a blast.

I also got to spend some time with my Jensema fam-jam, at a baby shower for my cousin Kelley and dinner on Sunday. My Jensema family is very...loud. We all end up yelling over each other, poking fun, and laughing till we cry. I think we tend to scare off people who visit. My dad especially has a voice that tends to carry. Sure glad I didn't inherit that ;) Meh, its just who we are, and I wouldn't change it ever.

Friends took up the other parts of the weekend, including shopping and a day with one of my dear friends, Kim Ingelse, bunco with the Gesch family, and meeting up with lots of other friends as well. Overall, it was a phenomenal weekend, full of quality time with people I love. It was also a great time to relax and reflect on my time here in Pittsburgh and to revamp for school. Going to my home church was also a great boost as well, to know people have been praying and supporting from afar. I have so very much to be thankful for.

Some of my awesome Jensema cousins: Zach, Jeremy, and Eric, plus girlfriends Sarah and Amy.

1 comment:

  1. ahh love the link :) next time we need more real time togetha :)
